Free play, essential to learning


The childcare center achieves its educational goals through the activities that take place in the daycare on a daily basis. Routine and transitional activities are the basis of the daycare schedule. Play periods are then added to complete the schedule: outdoor play periods, directed activities, thematic activities and free play.

It is on this last one, free play, that we focus in this training, in order to understand its importance in the development of various skills and to value it as an activity that allows the child to reach his full potential.

Duration of the training: 6 hours, including 3 hours on child development and 3 hours on the educational program.





Here is an overview of the content of this training:

  • Free play at the heart of learning
  • The benefits of free play
  • The structure of free play
  • The difference between free play workshop and free play
  • The physical organization of the environment
  • Play areas or corners
  • Spaces reserved for older children
  • Play materials
  • Types of play
  • Play materials and developmental milestones
  • Explaining to parents that play is serious!
  • The importance of observation during free play
  • Observation tools
  • The child who is not interested or bored


Additional Information

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